Taiwan Reforestation Association《Miaoli Sanyi Huoyanshan Nature Reserve Ecological Trip 2017/09/24 》
Mt. DaDu natural forest has been destroyed for over 100 years. Due to a deteriorating ecological environment, it is impossible to
restore the ultimately biodiverse stable-state forest through ecological succession.
Therefore, Taiwan Reforestation Association plans ecological surveys in neighboring areas such asDakeng Toukoshan, Miaoli Sanyi Huoyanshan, and Chunghua Baguashan to estimate the composite of natural forest in Mt. DaDu to use as the blueprint for future reforestation.
This month we go to Miaoli Sanyi Huoyanshan to visit the natural forest.
Sanyi Huoyanshan is located in the north shore of Da-an River, with elevation height of 602 meters. It’s on the border of the north and central Taiwan. Due to its terrain, the air current from the south rises and cools down as it elevate with the mountain, that’s why it’s often foggy in Sanyi area.
However, below 500 meters is considered temperature inversion. Every elevation of 100 meters makes you feel hotter instead of cooling down. The distance is about three kilometers from the hiking gate to the top of the mountain. Hot weather and the steep trail made us sweat.
Huoyanshan cosists of gravel terrance. In central Taiwan, three major rivers bring rocks collasping from high mountains; after a long journey, the rocks become smooth gravels, massively deposited in the river exit. The exit area of Da-an River is Huoyanshan, the exit area of Dajia River is Toukoshan, and the exit area of Wu River is Jiujiu Peak. The exit areas are where steep mountain goes to flat terrain, which is also the ancient coastline dated back 500,000 years ago. The accumulated gravel terrance elevated by orogeny and geomorphic process, becoming what it is today.
Huoyanshan and Mt. Dadu are both gravel terrance. Thus, the forest here can be of valuable reference. Mt. Dadu has a small amount of remaining natural forest such as Acronychia pedunculata and Casearia glomerata. Common lower altitudes plants such as Machilus zuihoensis, Schefflera octophylla and Cyclobalanopsis glauca aren’t seen in Mt. Dadu.
We hiked on the trail, and set a 20m by 20m sampling area located in 0.9k, at the height of 345meters. Here is the “Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula - Psychotria rubra” plant society. In other words, in the past Mt. Dadu are supposed to have a forest like this. The composite of the forest and species are as follows.
Natural forest is defined as an ultimately stable state forest through a chain of ecological succession after disruption or natural disaster, which differs from secondary forest.
Trees considered as secondary forest are those of sun plants, which are pioneer species. They are the first to colonize previously disrupte environment, tolerating intense sunlight and harsh environment. After pioneer species develop to their fullest, their own seedlings can’t grow in the shady understory. However, the environment are ideal for shade-tolerant trees to grow.
As secondary forest age, shade tolerant plants start to take place, forming natural forest. Consequently, the majority of the natural forest species are shade plants. Their seedlings must endure the shade and grow, waiting for old trees to fall and take over the space.
As a consequence inside the natural forest is quite dark. The dominant arbor’s seedlings can be found on the forest floor. In the Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula forest, they can be seen at different ages, from tiny seedlings to teen-age, adult phase, and old age. The variation of age structure makes a forest full of life and last a long time.
After the survey, we climbed along the ridge line to the top of Huoyanshan. The forest has tuned into a “Gordonia axillaris dominant forest”.
As water flowing downwards, in the gravel environment, the water content in soil decreases as the height elvevates. Water content is the main factor to affect species composition in a forest. On the top of Huoyanshan and the thin ridge, Gordonia axillaris can survive in an arid environment and become dominant species. That is to say, in a similar environment as Mt. DaDu, Gordonia axillaris could be the type of natural forest.
In the landslide area on both side of the ridgeline, we saw many Pinus massoniana, which the reserve intend to protect. 15 years ago, due to a Outbreaks of pine wilt disease caused by Pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) , 95% of the Pinus massoniana were infectecd and died. Many people were worried whether the glacial relict species would disappear.
During the trip, we’re glad to learn that Pinus massoniana has survied the disaster. We have repects for the Pinus massoniana as they stand on Huoyanshan for tens of thousands of years and guard the mountain for generations. We wonder if we can protect the land of Taiwan as Pinus massoniana through our lives.
Climbing down the mountain on the gentle slope in the east side, I remember trees in some parts of the area were cut down and there was an area with no shade at all. Surprisingly, after ten years, a beautiful forest flourish in the area through natural succession. The part of the path proves that forest recovers from disruption, as long as they keep the seeds alive.
The hiking trip certainly tired all participants. Though feeling tired, everyone said they can always recall the scenes of beautiful forest and the moments in nature.
The beauty of nature to be our rewards, it’s absolutely worth the trip.
<Special Thanks to …..>
We want to give special thanks to Professor Ming-Shih Chen atDonghai University and his team to participate, also thank executive council member Hsin Yi Chen for guiding plant survey, Shiang Rong Huang for taking notes in the survey. We want to thank the members who assisted admintration work, and thank everyone for your participation.
Today September 24th is Huan Chen Bai’s birthday, we wish her happy birthday.
Taiwan Reforestation Association
《Huoyanshan 》Ecological Survey
Date: 2017/9/25
Site Name: Huoyanshan trail
Plant Society: Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula- Psychotria rubra
Slope 15°; Slope Direction 0°
Height Above Sea Level: 345m
Sample Area: 20m×20m
座標:222639, 2695122
Coordinate: 222639, 2695122
Surveyor: Hsin Yi Chen; Notetaker: Shiang Rong Huang
T1 Upper Tree Layer, Height 17 m, Range of Cover 60%
廣東油桐( 3,1)【5株】、三斗石櫟(3,3)【13株】、白匏子(1,+)【2株】、香楠(2,+)【2株】、樹杞(1,+)【2株】、沙朴(1,+)【1株】、小梗木薑子(1,+)【2株】
Aleurites montana(3,1) , 5 in total
Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula(3,3), 13 in total
Mallotus paniculatus(1,+) , 2 in total
Machilus zuihoensis(2,+) , 2 in total
Ardisia sieboldii(1,+) ,2 in total
Celtis sinensis(1,+), 1 in total
Litsea hypophaea(1,+), 2 in total
~ S灌木層,高度6m,覆蓋度45%~
Shrub Layer, Height 6m, Range of Cover 45%
三斗石櫟( 1,1)、小梗木薑子( 1,+)、九節木(1,2)、樹杞( 1,+)、香楠( 1,1)、千金藤( +,1)、三葉崖爬藤( +,+)、三角葉西番蓮( +,+)、葛藤( +,1)
Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula( 1,1), Litsea hypophaea( 1,+), Psychotria rubra(1,2), Ardisia sieboldii( 1,+), Machilus zuihoensis( 1,1), Stephania japonica( +,1), Tetrastigma formosanum( +,+), Passiflora suberosa( +,+), Pueraria lobata ssp. thomsonii( +,1)
H: herbaceous layer, Height 2m, Range of Cover 65%
三斗石櫟( 1,2)、廣東油桐(+,1)、小梗木薑子( +,1)、九節木( 2,3)、鬼紫珠(1,2)、沿階草( +,1)、臺灣山桂花(+,1)、野棉花(+,1)、大錦蘭(+,1)、樹杞(+,1)、香楠(+,1)、藤竹草(1,2)、五節芒(+,2)、熱帶鱗蓋蕨(+,1)、斜方複葉耳蕨(2,2)、半邊羽裂鳳尾蕨(1,2)、槭葉牽牛(+,1)、三角葉西番蓮(+,1)、千金藤(+,1)、葛藤(+,1)、羊角藤(+,1)、紅仔珠(+,+)、印度牛膝(+,1)、弓果黍(+,2)、金午時花(+,1)、距花黍(+,1)、龍眼(+,+)、白匏子(+,1)、山棕(+,+)、樟樹(+,+)、大葉楠(+,1)、大葉鳳尾蕨(+,+)、杜虹花(+,1)、月桃(+,2)、臺灣土茯苓(+,1)、風藤(+,2)、華九頭獅子草(+,1)、南五味子(+,1)、青牛膽(+,1)、薄葉野山藥(+,+)、粗毛鱗蓋蕨(+,2)、海洲常山(+,+)、白臼(+,+)、土密樹(+,1)、小葉桑(+,+)、扛香藤(+,+)、燈稱花(+,+)、月橘(+,+)、山素英(+,+)、海金沙(+,+)、平柄菝契(+,+)、相思樹(+,+)
Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula ( 1,2), Aleurites montana (+,1), Litsea hypophaea ( +,1), Psychotria rubra( 2,3), Callicarpa kochiana(1,2), Ophiopogon intermedius( +,1), Maesa perlaria var. formosana(+,1), Urena lobata(+,1), Anodendron benthamiana(+,1), Ardisia sieboldii(+,1), Machilus zuihoensis(+,1), Panicum sarmentosum(1,2), Miscanthus floridulus(+,2), Microlepia speluncae(+,1), Arachniodes rhomboides(2,2), Pteris semipinnata(1,2), Ipomoea cairica(+,1), Passiflora suberosa(+,1), Stephania japonica(+,1), Pueraria lobata ssp. thomsonii(+,1), Gymnema sylvestre(+,1), Breynia officinalis(+,+),Achyranthes aspera var. indica(+,1), Cyrtococcum patens(+,2), Sida rhombifolia(+,1), Ichnanthus vicinus(+,1), Euphoria longana(+,+),Mallotus paniculatus(+,1), Arenga engleri(+,+),Cinnamomum camphora(+,+),Machilus japonica var. kusanoi(+,1), Pteris cretica(+,+),Callicarpa formosana(+,1), Alpinia zerumbet(+,2), Smilax lanceifolia(+,1), Piper kadsura(+,2), Dicliptera chinensis(+,1), Kadsura japonica(+,1), Thladiantha nudiflora(+,1), Dioscorea japonica(+,+),Microlepia strigosa(+,2), Clerodendrum trichotomum(+,+),Sapium discolor(+,+),Bridelia tomentosa(+,1), Morus australis(+,+),Mallotus repandus(+,+), Ilex asprella(+,+),Murraya paniculata(+,+),Jasminum nervosum(+,+),Lygodium japonicum(+,+),Heterosmilax japonica, Acacia confusa(+,+)
Improved Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale Survey Method:
Record plant levels, height in each level, range of cover in each level, range of cover and abundance rating of each composite in each level
Range of Cover:
Abundance Rating:
+, 1-2 individuals
1, sparse
2, small grouping
3, moderate grouping
4, large grouping
5, Large overall grouping